
What We Do

We work with emerging civil society organizations and young agents of change in challenging environments to strengthen and maintain their capabilities. We help them achieve their own development objectives and stability through: Increasing the utilization of local resources, skills and knowledge towards sustainability Helping local actors build their capacity by providing models and tools of best international practices including knowledge of donor compliance, donor regulations and financial reporting. Providing specific and need-based training in areas such as institutional development, finance management and sustainable practices.

Service Spotlight

Empowering civil society and youth groups living in

displacement in Southeast Turkey

From January 2018 to 2020, Jouri, in partnership with the British Council, designed and implemented a pilot to support youth-led initiatives. The programme aimed to empower youth to participate effectively in rebuilding their communities affected by the conflict. The activities carried out by Jouri focused on capacity building for the selected emerging youth network to support youth groups to build and formalize their institutional and administrative capacities. The intervention also aimed to strengthen the value-based youth-led initiatives with relevant tools, skills, values, as well as building the project and grant management capacity of the individual members of the group.