
Key current and recent projects

implemented by Jouri:

Research and Third-Party Monitoring services for UNICEF (October 2021 - present)

Jouri is conducting research and Third Party Monitoring in the Middle East on behalf of UNICEF implementing a range of programmes; Education; Child Protection; Adolescent Development and Participation; Health and Nutrition; Water, Sanitation and Hygiene; and Social Policy / Social Protection. Under a Long-Term Agreement covering 14 governorates, Jouri mobilized a national and international team consisting of a project manager, a survey expert, two monitoring assistants and 46 third-party monitors (gender-balanced) in addition to the quality assurance advisor and sectoral consultants. Data collection includes qualitative and quantitative methods (site visits, surveys, KIIs and FGDs with project stakeholders).

Gender Market Assessment Study on EU for Women Empowerment (EU4WE) Project (December 2020 – February 2021) Country: Lebanon

Jouri has been contracted by Expertise France Lebanon to conduct a gender-based market assessment as part of their EU4WE project in Lebanon. This assignment will assess gaps and needs of Lebanese women entrepreneurs in order to instruct the design of the future technical assistance and the grant programme that the EU4WE project will implement. Jouri will also be providing recommendations on relevant sectors and technical support needed.

Independent Evaluation of the European Union – League of Arab States Project (Phase I): Combatting

the Illicit Trade in and Proliferation of Small Arms and Light Weapons in the Member

States of the League of Arab States.

Country: League of Arab States (22 members)

Jouri was contracted by Small Arms Survey (SAS) to conduct a final evaluation of the project Combatting the Illicit Trade in and Proliferation of Small Arms and Light Weapons in the Member States of the

League of Arab States. The project aims to increase League of Arab States (LAS) Member States’ (MS) capacity to combat illicit small arms and light weapons (SALW). This report presents the findings of the evaluation of Phase I of the project.

Research and Design of Regional Guidance for Supporting Education for NRC (Aug-2020) Country: Middle East

The evaluation used the OECD-DAC criteria for successful development interventions: Relevance, Coherence, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Impact and Sustainability. The evaluation included ten in-depth interviews with stakeholders from the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), the Small Arms Survey (SAS), the World Customs Organization (WCO), the LAS Secretariat and the European Union (EU).

Research, Evaluation and TPM on Education and Child Protection for War Child Holland (Mar2021- present)

Jouri was contracted by NRC to prepare a Regional Guidance for Supporting Education in the Return Context including information material to inform refugees planning for return about key preparedness considerations from an education perspective. Jouri’s team worked on producing the following outputs; 1. Development of joint regional advocacy messages related to formal recognition of education qualifications by Syrian authorities upon return. 2. A set of webinars/learning exchanges on the practical challenges of education programming in view of return preparedness. 3. Developed regional guidance "based on the outcomes of the learning exchanges" for supporting education in return contexts (including mainstreaming key considerations into regular programming and potential specific return support in the future) targeted at humanitarian and development actors; 4. Developed a set of information materials to inform refugees planning for return about key preparedness considerations from an education perspective. 5. Developed recommendations for areas of future research and analysis related to returns based on existing gaps. The key activities included: • Reviewing existing literature relating to education and refugee return. • Analysing outcomes of the learning exchanges. • Consulting with members of the Education Workstream and other key education stakeholders. • Drafting of the regional guidance and information materials, with revisions based on feedback from Workstream members. • Presenting the regional guidance and information materials to the broader Regional Durable Solutions Working Group.

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Jouri is conducting monitoring, evaluation and research for the interventions that relate to the Children’s Providing Life Saving Nutrition, Education, MHPSS, Case Management and Child Protection Response for displaced and conflict-affected children, their families, and host communities. The aim of this framework is to monitor and /or evaluate the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and the impact of the child protection, adolescents and youth and psychosocial support services as well as to conduct gender analysis to exploring the outcomes of the activities provided, moreover assessing the WASH intervention in schools. The Framework Agreement (FWA) included the final evaluation of the Education Cannot Wait project from (July-September 2021 funded by UNICEF). The FWA also included a needs assessment that investigated the needs, goals, and aspirations of children within the sectors of child protection, education, and psycho-social support, along with baseline studies of projects that aim to build the resilience and social cohesion of

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children and caregivers, child protection services as well as conducting gender analysis. A significant number of the respondents were aged between 10-17 years for both qualitative and quantitative data collection. For more than 18 assignments, Jouri was responsible for designing data collection tools, data analysis, and report writing. Data collection involved site visits, surveys, KIIs and FGDs with project stakeholders. Reference Contact: Nouri Shahed. Email: [email protected]

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